Braided Communities2023-ongoing
The rituals, traditions, and care of black hair within our community create a safe space for BPOC in Naarm, Melbourne. Our hair is versatile and transformative, it carries memories and stories that we create space for sharing and connecting with each other. These spaces reaffirm our identities and allow us to celebrate our diverse cultures through these hair practices. Spaces that are founded on the black experience create community. The video reflects on the importance and meaning of hair care for members of the widespread community. 

This collaboration with my community allows a space to explore the complexities of our hair through the imagery, showing the processes and interactions we have with one another. It reflects on the bonds built from sitting through hours of tedious hair braiding and sounds of the conversations that reinforce friendship and bonds with one another. There is tenderness and care that go into these acts of hair care that go beyond the practice itself, re-affirming our identities and sense of self in these safe spaces. This project aims to intimately explore the importance that these practices have on our community as a whole. 

I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the unceded land on which I create, learn, and live. Alway was, always will be Aboriginal Land.